10,000 m3/day SWRO Desalination Plant, Power Decreasing Substation, Water Distribution Station and Water Management Project
Client | Pars Special Economic Energy Zone Organization (PSEEZ) |
Contract | Supply of potable water for the PSEEZ area |
Contract type | B.O.T. (Build, Operate & Transfer) |
Financing bank | Export Development Bank of Iran |
Contract awarded | 2004 |
Contractual duration to start up | 16 months |
Actual duration to start up | 8 months |
Contract period | 20 years from start up |
Contractual capacity | 10,000 m3/day |
Final nominal capacity | 12,500 m3/day |
1. Production process: The source water is taken from beach wells and is then chlorinated and transferred to sand filters by a transfer pipeline. After storage in raw water tanks, it is then pumped to cartridge filters by a pump station and sent towards the SWRO units. Finally, the permeate water is transferred to concrete tanks via a pump station and transfer pipeline for subsequent distribution.
2. Main components: Beach wells, sand filters, cartridge filters, high pressure pumps, pressure vessels and membranes, raw water and permeate storage tanks, instruments and PLC system.
3. Associated companies: the design and equipment are supplied by Linde, Germany in cooperation with B2A, Austria. All other endeavors are carried out by NVCo.
Distribution station construction, operation, and management
Client | Pars Special Economic Energy Zone Organization (PSEEZ) |
Contract (I) | Engineering, construction, and start-up of a water distribution station |
Contract type (I) | Management Contract |
Contract awarded (I) | March 2005 |
Completion date (I) | June 2005 |
Contract (II) | Distribution and sales of desalinated water through the constructed water distribution station |
Contract awarded (II) | June 2005 |
Contract duration (II) | 20 years from start up |
Distributed water volume | 10,000 m3/day |
Final nominal distribution capacity | 30,000 m3/day |
1. Project process: Water supplied by NVCo's SWRO desalination plant, is transferred by a pump station and PE pipeline to two concrete reservoir tanks with capacities of 200 m3 and 2,500 m3. The water is then pumped to the delivery installation. Tankers with various capacities, specifically designed and constructed for potable water transportation, are loaded and dispatched all across the Pars Special Economic Energy Zone. The furthest end users are located some 100 km away from the distribution station. All of the aforementioned operation is automatically monitored and controlled. The sale price for the transported desalinated water is set based on duties ratified by the PSEEZ Board of Directors as well as the distance between the station and the point of delivery.
2. Associated companies: The entirety of the project is carried out by NVCo.
Power Decreasing Substation
Client | Pars Special Economic Energy Zone Organization (PSEEZ) |
Contract | Procurement and instalment of a power decreasing substation and emergency stand-by power station |
Contract type | Management contract |
Contract awarded | September 2005 |
Operation Date | February 2006 |
1. Project targets: Supplying the needed electricity (380-400 V) for the desalination plant was initially in the scope of the client, however, the construction of a power decreasing substation (20 kV to 380-400 V) as well as the emergency power station construction and commissioning was later assigned to NVCo by the PSEEZ through a contract.
2. Main components: The substation was constructed as a 3 story building, with four decreasing transformers, each with a power of 1650 kVA, MV cells, LV cells, fire alarm and extinguishing system, and three diesel generators for a total capacity of 3000 kVA with the relevant change-over cells.